Our Services

D & E Marine offers a wide selection of services geared towards marine development. Select the service that is best suited for your next project and how you can get in touch with us.

  • A boat-mounted diesel dredge pump and a combination of rigid and flexible hoses facilitate diver-aided dredging of sand/silt/mud from seafloor depths between 0.5m-10m.  Dredged materials can be pumped a maximum horizontal distance of 200m and up to a vertical height of 7m for disposal.  Dredge volumes of between 10-20 cubic meters per day can be managed depending on whether or not a 1 or 2 diver team is used.   Dredging operations are supported with the use of silt curtains for siltation mitigation.

  • The vessel’s winch and A-frame can handle a 2.5 tonne lift up to a height of 3m.  The application of slinging and claw mechanisms will facilitate the lifting of various objects of varying sizes and configurations.  Lifts can be facilitated from a beach or dock side or from the seafloor.  More precise lifting work can be done with lighter weights using 2 lift bags, each with a maximum lifting capacity of 0.5 tonnes. 

  • The vessel’s winch and A-frame can also handle a 2.5 tonne lowering of objects to a depth of 33m with the aid of divers.

  • The vessel’s winch, A-frame, deck space and the ability to accommodate additional hydraulic or pneumatic equipment and generators can facilitate dock-side or seafloor construction, demolition or salvage operations.

  • The workboat serves as a platform from which diver-aided in-water inspections and surveys of floating and fixed marine structures can be executed (in tandem with a Structural Engineer or a Marine Surveyor depending on which is applicable).

  • D&E Marine Ltd’s vessel can be outfitted for both SCUBA and/or surface supplied  diving systems, with the latter facilitating two way  communications between the surface and a diver, as well as surface viewing of diver-held underwater video.   As a SCUBA dive platform, the vessel can accommodate up to 20 divers.  The surface supplied dive mechanism will support up to 2 divers monitored by a topside supervisor, equipment tender and two relief divers, along with back-up SCUBA gear. 

  • Marine construction and dredging operations that may require government regulatory approvals will require environmental impact and mitigation information to support permit or license applications.  D&E Marine Ltd has the capability of conducting seafloor flora/fauna surveys and mapping to support applications. 

  • Marine construction project engineers may require information on nearshore depths and seafloor substrate characteristics to support designs for docks and jetties.  D&E Marine Ltd has the capability of conducting such surveys.

  • D&E Marine Ltd has the capability of executing specific Permit or License mitigations, such as coral and seagrass removal and relocation.  D&E Marine Ltd has acquired Patent No. 4061 dated June 13, 2019 for a “Seagrass Underwater Power Cut and Crate Technique” for the removal, transport and replanting of seagrass from areas that could be impacted by marine construction work. 

Not sure where to start?

Reach out to us today to see how we can help you kickstart your next project.